Networking Options for Small Business Owners

Just because you are part of a small business does not mean your networking has to be small!  One of the best things you can do as a small business owner is get the word out about who you are, what you do and why you do it.  That can be, and should be, done in many ways.  Today, let’s talk about networking.

Networking is when you “get out there” and meet people and/or other companies to connect with potential clients. 

Depending on where you are on the comfortability scale of “meeting people” ranging from loving it to hating it, how you do this can make or break the networking opportunity.  If you are super friendly and want to meet everyone, that is amazing but are you getting value from each person you meet or are you just collecting business cards?  If talking to people you don’t know, scares you, not to worry, with a focused plan you don’t have to shake hands with everyone.

For Infinite Eye, we breakdown Networking into two distinct types – Networking Events and Group Networking

Networking Events

Networking Events tend to be the better-known way of doing things.  These can be breakfasts, mid-day presentations or evening mingles.  These are planned events where people can meet people - you know - mingle.  There are even events that mimic the dating scene with “speed networking” where you get 5 to 10 mins to talk to someone then switch and talk to someone new.

All can be fun (or terrifying depending on how you interact with people) and they can connect you to your next big client (maybe) but they can take a lot of effort to make work.  Now don’t get me wrong, networking IS work, that is why they call it Net-WORKING but like all things you do within your small business, you should be striving for more efficiency.

Networking events can be related to hunting for a new client and selling to the people you are talking to.


Networking Groups

Networking Groups are when you gather on a regular bases with the same like-minded people.  You get to know the group and can feel more comfortable with them.  You talk more and each of you learns about the other person and what your businesses do.  They are people that you get to know well because you meet on a regular basis to talk about each of your businesses, clients you are looking for, struggles you are having or successes you are chasing.

These groups can meet weekly, monthly or quarterly or even annually depending on how they are set up but the idea is consistent connection.

Since everyone knows each other and wants everyone in the group to succeed, there tends to be less hunting for clients.  The hunting is replaced with farming.  Farming connections are when you get to know someone else and gain a deeper understanding of what their business does and how you can help them and their network. 

The goal when you talk to someone from your group is to not sell to the person but instead to find out how you can help them with their business.  Sometimes that comes in the form of you sharing your experiences when they are struggling with something connecting them to your network when you hear about someone who could use their expertise or services.

It’s a bit like family, right?  If you have a brother or second cousin who is a Plumber or Real Estate Agent who you trust (a big part of this is TRUST) you would give their info out all the time – or maybe even carry business cards with you because you are always meeting people who need a Plumber or Real Estate Agent.


Two amazing things happen when you are involved with a Networking Group. 

First is, instead of just you talking about your business to others, you now have a FULL TEAM of people talking about your business.  When your Group knows you, what your company does and how you help your clients, they can share that with THEIR network.

And second, you become a very useful person who “knows people”.  If you are keeping your Group in the back of your mind as you go about your day doing what you do, when someone mentions a need that someone from your Group can solve, you can give them your “persons” name!  And because you have spent time getting to know Networking Group and trust them, you know and trust that they will do a great job! 

When this happens, an instinctual human trait kicks in.  When you refer a trusted business to someone who is in need, that person will remember you and want to help you out when you need it – it is called reciprocity!!!  The same goes for the person who you connected us with a referral, they too will return the favour!

It’s pretty incredible to see this all play itself out.

Oh ya!  There is one more thing that happens to people who do not like to or who are not great at meeting people.  Because Group Networking meetings are warm and welcoming, it is a non-threatening environment.  Non-threatening means that they are able to talk and connect with more people and learn, or better yet, hone their networking skills for when they do find themselves in a situation such as a Networking Event.  They may not be able to talk to everyone in the room, but they are more skilled and are better prepared to talk to and connect with more than they have done in the past.


To conclude I am not saying that it is a Networking Events vs Group Networking situation better then the other - both are good and both can bring you clients when done right

For me, I do both and enjoy each for specific reasons.


Examples of Each

Here are a few networking links for each – Networking Events and Group Networking – that you may want to go check out.

Networking Events

The Art of Conversation – a positive and enjoyable event

Local Chamber of Commerce – just Google your location and Chamber of Commerce


Group Networking

BNI Park Power Connections – my chosen Group Networking family

BX Business Networking – another group I have gotten business from by creating relationships with Members.


Give it a shot either way and enjoy the journey of learning.  Feel free to try out your networking skills with us here at Infinite Eye Photography – Always Happy to Connect!



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